AWBI Recognition Number


Email Address

Phone Number

+91-99544 49528

JBF likes to convey heartiest appreciation and gratitude to North East Agrovet Private Limited, a leading distribution and trading company, for offering the helping hand through providing chicken to JBF to prepare cooked food for the strays the prevailing difficult time.

Relating to the same, JBF likes to thank Ms Karobi Gogoi for coordinating and managing the whole process. It wouldn’t be possible without your support Ms Karobi. Thank you a lot.

We know it is really difficult for both human and animals to tackle and cooperate with the present circumstance. But also we believe that together we can easily survive this hard time. We just need to have each other’s back and help each other to the extent possible.

JBF appeals everyone to come forward and support so that we can continue supporting the innocents in need.

Together we can fight this difficult situation.

An appeal on behalf of NE Agrovet, team JBF and the needy animals, we need your support to continue the caring of the innocent souls.All donations are tax deductible, check here.

[dt_sc_button type=”with-icon” icon=”fa-heart” link=”” size=”medium” variation=”red” textcolor=”#ffffff” data_animation=”pulse” data_delay=”200″ target=”_blank”]KINDLY DONATE[/dt_sc_button]