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JBF – the only answer to your animal concern!!

It was just the other day when life was moving at break-neck speed for everyone- school, office, meetings, project deadlines, holiday planning….as if there was no stopping us. The world seemed to be at a mad-rush to be achieving something or the other. None of us ever imagined that we would all come to a halt the way we have, now.

The coronavirus outbreak has taken the world by surprise. Shocked and overwhelmed by its speedy spread and consequent deaths, we are left with no choice but to come to a lockdown. In India, the lockdown was announced on 24th March for 21 days. And suddenly we realise that whatever we were rushing for was just meaningless.

While selfish people started finding out means and ways of surviving the lockdown and praying for such uncertainty and fear to end, some people looked beyond themselves. Good Samaritans all over the world are looking after animals, especially stray dogs and cats to the best of their abilities. They are risking their lives to feed them and care for them in this hour of crisis.

While humans have been finding myriad ways to deal with this lockdown, stray animals might end up becoming an unforeseen casualty of this lockdown. These animals that are dependent on daily markets, restaurants and local good Samaritans for food are now in a threat of survival.

We are however lucky that while we, the lesser beings, are comfortably seated in our cosy homes with food stuffed in our refrigerator, few all over the country are struggling to feed the stray dogs at this critical hour.

In Assam, JBF- the animal welfare association has once again taken up this call for feeding the stray animals and helping them face this crisis along with us. JBF is extending all help possible with food and medicines for the stray dogs to those who have come forward for help. JBF has stretched its limits to the utmost to be able to help those who genuinely care for these speechless beings.

Sporadic incidents where stray dogs are getting aggressive due to lack of food has been reported. It won’t be long when dog bites and dog attacks would become another nuisance for society. We don’t want that when the lockdown ends and we are out in the streets, we are attacked by aggressive, hungry dogs or see sick, dying dogs around the place.

In one incident, a dog steals from a person’s poultry thereby arousing the owner’s ire who now chases and beats away the dogs of the locality thereby hampering any scope of their getting any food. He even prevented good souls from feeding them for fear that these dogs might loiter around and incur more losses to his poultry. In such a situation, JBF has been approached again and as always JBF reaches out to the villagers to create awareness and the need to feed the dogs to keep them calm and happy.

But such calls for help are increasing and the demand for dog food is on the rise. JBF has gone beyond its financial limit to help provide food and medicines whenever required. But how long can it go on without your help and support? JBF needs support to thrive to help us help the stray dogs and help humanity at large. Ur help and support will go a long way in creating a society where man and animals can live together harmoniously…

I support JBF….. will u?
Together we can fight this difficult situation.

An appeal on behalf of Chaya Bora, team JBF and the needy animals, we need your support to continue the caring of the innocent souls.All donations are tax deductible, check here.

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